Friday, June 29, 2012

Scotland 2012: Work Day 4

The Scene:
There was a period at midday that was cloudy and then sunny—Clara Gay and Annette Foster went up on the roof for a few minutes to enjoy the view.  It poured about 5 o’clock and it’s a light drizzle for evening.  Martin Ritchie who is helping us with the website revamp (and lives here) says he’s never seen it rain this much for so long!

The work:
Today we started laying the dining room floor and got about halfway finished.  There are still 2 leaks near the window (which the rain has helped identify!!) so a certain area may have to be left undone until the leaks are resolved.  Here’s Jerry Causey stapling the floor with Larry High.

With Prince and Dawson (volunteering from Mozambique) helping.

 The library wall painting was completed and painting the floor was begun.  Cindy Tuttle designed the finish for the library walls.

 Annette worked with Martin and Chris Lambert on revamping the Overtoun House website and you can see the work in progress at .

The fun:
The team fits fun into the day.  Here are some sample moments from Friday:

Vivian Hughes heads up the lunch feast with Jo Ellen and Larry High behind her.

David Hawkins (in an Alabama shirt!) rests a minute with George Hughes.

Modeling the new fashion accessory “ankle pads” is David Hailey.

And we close today with a snap of our after dinner devotional.

More tomorrow!

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