Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Scotland 2012 Work Day 2

The scene:  Today was a pleasantly cool one.  It has rained all day, hard at times.  The house has such big windows that it still feels very bright.  Outside its very green and misty.  BTW, it stays light til after 10 pm.

The work:

The planners let us know that the big focus for today needed to be the dining room if we intended to finish this week.  Susan Hailey, Jerry Causey and Audrey Lassiter are masterminding the day.

Folks were working on the water leak which entailed tearing out wall around the bay window.  And floor had to be torn up to run electrical wiring.  Continual cleanup was needed to keep up with the needed “demolition” in order to make progress.  Mickey Pleasants and Janice McClendon are so happy!

We had super help from two young men from Mozambique—Dawson and Prince—who came to give assistance to Overtoun House.  They hauled out trash, moved out heavy scaffolding, and helped with cleaning the woodwork.

Tremendous progress was made on cleaning the mahogany woodwork which is looking looking beautiful.  Clara Gay worked on it most of the day along with help from Jennifer Hawkins, Mickey Pleasants and Sandra Holloman.  Here’s Clara.

Jennifer Hawkins, Mickey Pleasants, and Cindy Tuttle cleaned the big windows. 

John McLendon sanded the walls prepping for the painting to come.

Ed Morris, David Hawkins, Audrey Lassiter, and Susan Hailey went on a shopping spree to Glasgow to buy prep materials for cleaning the woodwork, drapery rods, spackle, and paint for the dining room walls, library walls, library floor, and the bathroom.  Audrey continued her successful scavenger hunts in the basement, attic, etc. finding a framed needlepoint picture and a small chest to be put to good use.

The big event of the day was the arrival of the mantle for the dining room.  The funding to purchase the mantle was donated by the Pleasants family in honor of Clyde Pleasants.

Meanwhile John and Janice McClendon finished all the prep work on the bathroom—all scraping, removing a shelf unit, and removing wallpaper.

Ed and Cathy Morris went grocery shopping.  Great meals today thanks to Cathy Morris, Vivien Hughes, and Jo Ellen High.  Grits for breakfast.  For lunch we had white bean soup and the delicacy Scottie Hotties (which were named by Kristen Muse on a previous trip) sandwiches.  Rumor has it that dinner is spaghetti, salad, French bread, and chocolate cake.   Here are our Cathy and Jo Ellen planning our feasts.  

We’re becoming the well-oiled team that Susan promised!  More tomorrow.

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