Saturday, June 30, 2012

Scotland 2012:  Work Day 5

The scene:

It was a beautiful day today.  Cool and breezy but bright and even sunny for a few hours.

The work:
The big accomplishment today was finishing the floor in the dining room.  David Hailey drove the final nail in at 6:15pm.

Bob Hill and Ryan Haney worked all day on the roof on the leaks.

The library painting was completed including the walls, pipes, and floor.  Shown in front of the "Tuttle Library is the crew:  John McClendon, Cindy Tuttle, Jennifer Hawkins, Bill Wilmoth, and Mickey Pleasants.

A shopping crew went to Glasgow and successfully returned with a painting to go above the mantle in the dining room and a sofa for the library as well as other important purchases for renovation and furnishing.  Ed Causey was given a special hand-drawn "duration" award at dinner for chauffeuring Janice McClendon, Audrey Lassiter, and Susan Hailey on the all day shopping trip.

The website team finished 8 of 16 pages of the website and added an Events feature that was new.  Since we were in the room the roofers were using for access the window was wide open and sometimes it was pretty windy.  Working hard were Chris Lambert

and Martin Ritchie and Annette Foster.

"Leisure Activity notes":
Which setting would you choose on the Scottish dryer?

More tomorrow!


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