Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 1 or is it Day 2 already?

The Scotland Mission Team left Raleigh on a 1:30 pm flight on Monday to Philadelphia and then onto Glasgow Scotland.  We arrived Tuesday 7 am a bit worse for wear but raring to go.  The conga line massage in Customs and Immigration was done by Joyce Causey, Vivien Hughes, Audrey Lassiter, and Sandra Holloman.

The scene: We rode the bus to Overtoun House with sunny weather and beautiful landscape that is intensely green. Someone remarked that it looked like western North Carolina.  Overtoun House is up a long drive out of the town of Dunbarton and looks much like a castle. 

Susan Hailey gave some of us the full tour from the basement to the rooftop.

The rhododendron are so tall they looked like crape myrtles.

The work:

Considerable time was spent assessing the state of the 3 rooms we will refurbish.  The before state showed us some significant challenges.

Folks set to work in the dining room repairing the wood subfloor and repairing the wood molding on the doors and walls.  Larry High is removing nails from the flooring and Riley Pleasants is fixing a hole in the subfloor (isn't carpentry a lot like dentistry?)

The library crew removed storage items, organized donated books and bookshelves, and got the room ready for painting.  Here are Annette Foster, Sandra Holloman, Jennifer Hawkins, Susan Hailey and Mickey Pleasants.

We need to get sleep!  More tomorrow.

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