Thursday, June 28, 2012

Scotland 2012: Work Day 3

The scene:
Question: Does it rain every day in Scotland?  Answer: No, some days it snows.  Rain again.  To us Raleighites this is a nice steady very serious rain.  Today Bob Hill told us the forecast this afternoon was a 12 hours of heavy rain with storm conditions.  But it cleared up!

The work:
Today the walnut flooring arrived for the dining room. 

Since the goal is to lay the floor on Friday (tomorrow!) the target is to finish painting today--which requires that all the repair work get completed.  Baseboards were removed to access the wiring and they must be put back.

All but one of the leaks were repaired allowing Riley Pleasants to replace the wall panels that had been removed.  Beautiful carpentry job!

There’s been lots of repair work to get to this point and a lot of innovation has been used to complete the repairs.  Here Bob Wilmouth patches a hole in the floor using the “patented drop the wood in” technique. 

Our roving photographer (David Hawkins) caught these other scenes in the dining room:
George Hughes and Larry High study their handiwork.

David Hailey on the stairway to heaven.

Outside the dining room, John and Janice finished painting the “McClendon bathroom” today.

Susan Hailey talks to Betsy while Jennifer Hawkins and Mickey Pleasants are hard at work cleaning the dining room table top.

Joyce Causey finished drapes for several of the B&B rooms.

Ed Morris, David Hawkins, and Annette Foster went into Glasgow to get white paint.  The B&Q home repair store is owned by Lowes and once inside the store you’d swear you were in the US.  Ed and David are on first name basis with Jimmy in the paint department.

On the way home we stopped to look at the swans on the ponds on the Overtoun House grounds.

Annette worked on the website redesign with staff of the Overtoun House including Martin and Mairi Ritchie, Melissa Hill, and Chris Lambert.  They are rewriting content and along with Susan Hailey, providing pictures and documents. 

Audrey’s scavenge of the day was a chef’s coat for Vivian Hughes!  What else will she find in storage here?
Several of the team have remarked on how much preparation was done before the trip so that the team here could just execute.  Just to mention a few:  Susan Hailey ordered the furniture and other purchased items, Audrey Lassiter planned the design and colors, Riley Pleasants and Jerry Causey worked on engineering design, and David Hailey prepared the devotions and handled the monetary affairs.  Kristen Muse helped on travel and insurance and the office staff assisted with all of these tasks.

Time to get back to work.  More tomorrow!

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