Sunday, August 31, 2014

 Jimmy and Dr. Hailey took on a "special project to repair this "old" church pew and creating end pieces which were missing. They were up until the wee hours of the morning working on it.

Below you can see the beautiful carpet that is in half the Tea Room/Angel Room covered in window stuff.
They have been sewing, hemming and hawing furiously to get the treatments ready to go up

Now the chair covering project is in full swing. They are replacing the red chairs with teal ones (I am a guy and those are the colors I know). The faded red of the old chairs really needed to be replaced to help add to the lustre of the room.
 As you can see they are about halfway through the 50 chairs that need to be refinished.
 This is a closeup view of the 2 fabrics side by side old and new

This morning we went to church. Dr Hailey gave the message and we sang A LOT!!!
Afterward we had tea and coffee and fellowship with the local church people.

 After the service we all pitched in and helped them clean up. Tons of smiles were had by all

Overal, the feeling around the group is "tired and sore" except Susan Hailey who is just tired of telling us what to do hehe. This has been a fruitful trip so far with many things that we can see are actually close to being done.

The next post will be about the steps.

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