Monday, September 1, 2014

happy labor day!

And boy is there labor going on here.
 I told you I would tell you about the stairs in the next post. I was not able to get a before picture, but this is a during picture. It was pretty scuffed and dirty looking before now it is shiny and taped. They will be faux marble (we hope) when it is all said and done.
 Meet Jessicca MVP of the Dumbarton House trip this time. You see her everywhere. She tiles, she sews, and I think she is the only one that knows the organizational system of the basement tools. Here she is helping Nancy get the sewing machine going

 If you can't tell, this picture was last night late and we are all running a little low on sleep, So Taylor decided to lighten the mood with a creepy staple man smile.
 Taylor and I woke up early to get the last bit of carpet started. If we would have waited the Tea room would have been inaccessible for a while, but we started early, so by the time the rest started, they would be able to walk on it.
 Dr. Hailey is digging for wood in this door frame. Unfortunately he is not having any luck as the wood has completely rotted out. He and Bill spent quite some time trying to find a good solution.
 Gary supervising (DOT Style) Jon (another Overtoun House staffer), Bill and Dr. Hailey
Amazingly enough they are flying through the tile today. This is the project that is in the most danger of not getting done, but as it stands now we are looking good.

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