Sunday, August 31, 2014

A mountain to be moved, and a mole hill that is done.

We were greeted with the smiling faces of the staff here. As usual they were very happy to see us coming in.
This is Rankin adding a few things to the blog so you can see what we are up to.
We started on several projects right away.
     We are painting and prettying up the stairs in the main hallway.
     We will be putting down carpet tiles in the angel/tea room.
     We will be putting down tiles (on top of cement sheets) in the library
     We are recovering nearly 50 chairs for the tea room
     We are putting up new Window treatments in many of the windows.
     We have already cleaned all the guestrooms and to make them ready for the grand opening.
Here are some pictures to show you  what all is going on.

 As you can see the floor of the Tea room/ Angel room have seen better days. It was also missing several tiles in less than strategic places.

 Several shots of the jigsaw puzzle that I have put down on the floor to make sure it is level for the carpet squares to go down.

 This is what the floor will look like all over. This picture is actually the first half of the room done.
 Odds and ends of the window treatments here on display on top of the new carpet squares I laid down.
We have been playing leap frog and moving stuff back and forth to look like a well oiled machine while all the projects are using the same space. You would think we actually knew what we were doing.

The cement sheet cutting has been quite an eye opening experience, but don't open them too much, because the dust is intense.

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