Friday, August 22, 2014

August 22, 2014

With the publication of Caledonian Adventure: 2014 Mission to Overtoun House I feel that our Scotland mission trip has already begun. The devotionals in this book begin this Sunday, which is apropos since our team will be commissioned on this morning in worship. Then it will be just a matter of packing and praying until we lift off from RDU on Wednesday afternoon. Can't wait to see all the progress made at Overtoun House as it has been 2 years since we last visited. We're thankful for the 21 team members who already have and will continue to invest their time, talent and treasure to this project. Thanks also to others who have given and prayed. Keep checking our blog and we'll keep you informed of what the Lord is doing in, around, and through us as we embark on this new "Adventure in Faith."

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