Friday, August 6, 2010

What's your accent?

Scots are known for their delightful accents.  As a matter of  fact, Glaswegians have some of the more unique brogues in the world. We have had a real challenge to understand, but we have found that laughter and smiles are pretty universal.When people hear you talk, what accent do they hear?  Is it a Christian accent they they hear? 

 Our fourth day was a great one.  We worked until lunch.  A lot of painting was accomplished.  The hallway got the first coat of paint, doors were painted, a closet was primed, and a shelf received its first coat.  Sheetrock was hung to cover holes in the library.Valances, shower curtains and rods were placed in a few rooms. It was a good morning of work.

After lunch, we headed out to Glasgow. It was a relief to put on our "normal" clothes and board the bus for a day of sightseeing.  We  toured the Glasgow Cathedral area and the Provand's Lordship, the oldest building in Glasgow.  Despite the signs to not touch the furniture, Jerry managed to find a piece of loose trim from an almost 400 year old chest! At the Cathedral, we had a wonderful tour guide who graciously showed us the hidden treasures of the church.  We then went on a private tour of the Glasgow City Chambers, a gorgeous building that has the largest marble staircase in Europe outside of the Vatican. We saw an amazing portrait of one of the city provosts that looked remarkably like Bob Whiteman.  Everywhere we went,  the eyes seemed to follow us! We were in awe of all the splendor of that building.  The ladies had a brief period of shopping while the men slept on the park benches in George Square, praying all the while that the pigeons would not decide to light on their heads!  We had a fabulous dinner at The Red Onion restaurant, met the chef who was a Heath Holloman clone, and even met some folks from Raleigh who were part of the US Air flight crew.  Unholy alliances were formed when it came to desserts, but after several tastings, Dave declared the bruleed lemon tart the blue ribbon winner!

After returning to the Overtoun House, we were informed that the Northern Lights were supposed to be seen, so several of us hiked to the top of the tower to look for them, but after about 11:00, we  gave  up the ghost because it was still not quite dark enough. You have to remember, we are higher than many places in Canada and Alaska, so the days are quite long.

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