Sunday, August 8, 2010

Anyone have a remedy for stair-itis?

It is Sunday evening around 11:00 here at the Overtoun House. Several are still hard at work, a few have headed toward the showers, and some have gathered in the "library," primarily because they are too sore to make the climb up again!  Did we mention the house has lots of stairs?

Much has happened since the last blog, most of it on the 4th floor!  On Friday, much work was done on the girls' floor, especially in the hall.  One of the volunteers here has painted an unbelievable mural on a couple of the walls of scenes in the OH gardens.  She is amazing!  The hall is completely painted, the doors hung, all the hardwoods down in all the rooms, all the bathrooms have been tiled and grouted (we found Kristen and Cindy's spiritual gifts!), cushions and pillows sewn, furniture bought, walls painted, artwork created, and pictures framed.  Some painting has also occurred on the Hills' floor and the downstair's bathroom.  Sorry, Mike, no frogs this year!  The guys' have new luxury shower facilites.

Last night Dave and Susan had a surprise anniversary soiree, complete with a sweetheart table, roses, candles, and gifts (thanks, Cathy!).  Susan had been threatening to buy Dave a kilt.  He kept telling her not to.  She got one of Bob Hill's kilts and had it wrapped up.  When Dave opened it in front of everyone, he was truly at a loss for words!  He didn't want to appear ungrateful, but he did not want a kilt!  We told him to put it on, but he would only wear it over his khakis.  When we finally told him it was really Bob's, he was so relieved! A delicious dinner of oven-fried chicken, grits casserole, and chocolate chess pie made us all a bit homesick for NC!

Today at church we had the opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the local people as we worshipped with His Family Church.  Although the worship style was a bit different, we felt the kinship of a shared faith.  Dave preached (we can't catch a break!) and we were all inspired to put our lives in God's hands rather than trying to bear the burden all ourselves.  Afterwards, some went to Luss, a village on Loch Lomond, others went to Dumbarton Rock, and a few stayed to do more work. The evening found us all hard at work again.  We have a good bit of work ahead of us for tomorrow, but we feel confident that we will get it done before winging our way to Raleigh on Saturday.

Tuesday morning we will bid adieu to Nelson and then board the bus to head toward Iona.  Internet connections may be a bit spotty, but we will attempt to blog while there.  We love you all and ca n't wait to share our stories in more detail when we arrive home.  Until then, perhaps these pics will suffice.

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