Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Let Go, Get God

As we began our second day, our devotional focused on control.  We are people who like to be in control, aren't we?  As we thought together and began our work, we were reminded that trust is better than control.  We learn not only to trust God but also each other.

The work is progressing nicely. We have lots of different projects going on.  Painting is going on in the second Hayes Barton room that we have dubbed The Grace Room, tiling and grouting is going on in two bathrooms, the hall is being painted and stained, the library is being organized, and, of course, there is always work to be done in the kitchen! In the midst of it all, we have found time to laugh, pray, reflect, hike Dumbarton Rock, and eat well. 

Our team is having a great time, despite little sleep and sore backs. Continue to pray for us that we will be safe and healthy as we try to create beauty out of chaos. We miss and love you all!

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