Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Great Cloud of Witnesses

Today we have considered the great cloud of witnesses that surround us and the image of Jesus going to prepare a place for us.  As we use our hands to prepare a place for people that we may never meet, these words have been a part of our experiences this day.  It has been a productive day and we look forward to seeing some progress tomorrow as we have a short workday.  We will leave at lunch to go into the city to do some sightseeing. 

As for our work today, Christina, Sue, and Mary Linda really transformed the library.  They cleaned shelves and organized the books into alphabetized categories.  WOW!  Buddy, John, and Nelson finished putting the sheetrock up in the bathrooms and in the kitchen on the girls' hall.  Cindy worked on several projects including painting and workworking.  Holly and Clara painted the hall along with finishing some mudding and staining.  Our wonderful kitchen crew, Cathy, Joyce, and Vivian, kept us well-fed throughout the day.  Susan and Ed found some wonderful finds that will be put into our new Grace room and finish up the Hayes Barton room.  We were thankful that George (the plumber) was listening to our shopping conversation and gave us the name of a great store (good prices and they delivered).  So, as you can tell it was a very productive day. 

During the productive moments, there were also moments of good conversation and laughter.  For new friends and fun times we are thankful.  Continue to pray for our safety as we work and for a good night's rest today.  Many did not experience that last night and we need it for the day tomorrow.  Also pray that we will be Christ's presence as we go out into the community together. . . may other's see Jesus in us.

1 comment:

  1. I am a downtown baptist from FBC and a neighbor to Ed and Cathy. This blog is a wonderful tool.
    Really enjoy reading this daily account of the trip. Really appears that the group is comprised of veterans and who know how to work hard and get matters done.

    Thanks for accomplishing so much for the Overtoun House.

    Tom C.

    P.S. - Tell Ed it rained a lot last night(Weds.)...almost a full inch.
