Thursday, July 14, 2011

No Rest for the Weary

There is no rest for the weary.  The 2011 Scotland Hayes Barton Baptist Church Scotland Mission Team arrived at Overtoun House mid morning, unpacked, ate lunch, and got to work.  After revisiting the peaceful and joyous rooms which were worked on by past mission teams, this year's group assessed the work to be done and found there is plenty to do. Someone said we will need to work from dawn to dusk to get it all done and that is really saying something as dawn here is about 3 AM and dusk about 10 PM.

More than once in the short time we've been here we've heard someone say that we will need to operate on faith to carry out our mission.  The tasks and tests will be many, but the blessings that will come when the tasks are completed and the tests passed will be many more, multiplied by a mission team that has yet to stop and rest from its long travel day.  We may be weary but we are already at work. On this atypically sunny almost warm day in Scotland, there is not rest for us yet.  Maybe at dusk...but that is still hours 10 PM!

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you weren't rushed for your layover--I tried to make it easy on you! I am praying for you and know that you will accomplish all that you need to although the task seems impossible right now. We will be heading towards our "impossible" tomorrow. Let George know we are heading to meet his friend who has planned a hike for us! We'll see how Rankin makes it. I am laughing just with anticipation!!
