Monday, July 18, 2011

We Took the High Road

After working late into the night last night, our Monday in Scotland was our day to break away from tasks and tour the countryside. With an excellent bus driver named Juliet at the wheel, we headed north to the Highlands. The majesty of God’s creation dominated our day as we saw breathtaking vistas of plush green mountains and lochs (lakes) with water as smooth and still as glass mirrors. The black water of Loch Ness didn’t reveal Nessie the Loch Ness Monster on this day, but the refreshing experience of the boat ride was noted by Ed as we discussed our day during devotion time tonight.

“You’ll take the high road, and I’ll take the low road….” That is a famous refrain from the Scottish tune “Loch Lomand” written in the 1800s. We learned today that the “high road” that is referred to in the song is the road of life; and the low road, the road to death. Today we took the high road. We took the road of life. As one of our mission hymns says: All day long I’ve been with Jesus, it has been a glorious day. I’ve just moved up one step higher, and I’m walking on the King’s Highway.

We were with Jesus all day long. We witnessed God’s world and were witnesses for him while we traveled. We took the high road. We traveled on the King’s Highway.

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