Wednesday, July 13, 2011

On a Prayer and a Wing or Two

The 2011 Hayes Barton Baptist Church Scotland Mission took flight this afternoon. We await the next leg of our journey in six hours (thanks Kristen for allowing us to have ample time to meet our connecting flight!).  Tomorrow we will arrive at Overtoun House. Our “mission from God” is to complete two rooms at the House which serves as a Christian Centre for Hope and Healing.

We are a joyous group of thirteen souls to be joined by two more in Scotland. With a prayer led by Dr. Hailey before he said his good bye to his beloved Susan at the airport, we were off on a wing…or two...for sure lift and good measure. We will be weary by the time we land tomorrow, but we have our mission and have chosen to accept it. Susan Hailey has set the stage well by noting Isaiah 58:12:

Your people will rebuild what has long been in ruins, building again on the old foundations. You will be known as the people who rebuilt the walls, who restored the ruined houses.

Thanks to all of you who have helped us get this far and who are supporting us with your love, thoughts, and prayers. We will work hard to multiply the many blessings Hayes Barton Baptist Church has to share with those we encounter as we do the Lord’s work.

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